Languages Speaking Workshop

• Open Up a World of Job Opportunities: Learning a second language opens up a ton of career opportunities.

• Give Your Brain a Boost: Speaking a second language each day really can keep the doctor away! Study after study has demonstrated the cognitive benefits of learning another language

• Get an Outsider’s Perspective about Your Own Culture: Trying to understand your own culture exclusively from within it is like trying to understand what a bus is like if you’ve only ever ridden inside it.

• No More Paying the Sticker Price: Tired of overpaying for gifts and souvenirs at markets when you go on holiday? It’s common knowledge that at many of these places, there are two prices: one for locals and one for tourists.

• Bring Out Your Inner Mr Spock: This may sound surprising, but studies have shown that when you make a decision in your second language, you’re more likely to think logically and avoid basing your decision on emotion. In other words, you’ll become more like Star Trek’s Mr Spock

• Discover You Can Do It!: As I mentioned earlier, I’ve heard pretty much every excuse that people give for failing to learn a second language. Too old, not enough time, wrong genes. None of them hold water.

• So What are You Waiting For?: Everyone has their own unique reasons for wanting to learn another language. But while the reasons may be different, they can all be put into action in the same way: by committing to stop making excuses, and to start speaking the language you’ve always wanted to learn.

Why Should you do this Training?

This is included in MML Training, a complete suite of applications for moving forward rapidly.

Well you gain:

  • Control of your cash flow and budgeting
  • Instant income stream for your current needs and wants
  • Regular income stream for stability
  • Residual security income stream for years to come
  • Financial independence and financial freedom
  • Ability to assist family and friends
  • Esteem within yourself
  • Prestige among your peers
  • Profiting from the expansion of your own ideas and talents

Try for 360 days

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MML Coaching provides top-quality development and coaching services. Most start-ups, small businesses and entrepreneurs suffer two major problems. They lack training or development resources and the depth of knowledge needed to focus on their businesses from a true "ownership" perspective. Both lead to lowered expectations, lack of business and personal growth and frequent owner burnout.

Languages Speaking Workshop

• Open Up a World of Job Opportunities: Learning a second language opens up a ton of career opportunities.

• Give Your Brain a Boost: Speaking a second language each day really can keep the doctor away! Study after study has demonstrated the cognitive benefits of learning another language

• Get an Outsider’s Perspective about Your Own Culture: Trying to understand your own culture exclusively from within it is like trying to understand what a bus is like if you’ve only ever ridden inside it.

• No More Paying the Sticker Price: Tired of overpaying for gifts and souvenirs at markets when you go on holiday? It’s common knowledge that at many of these places, there are two prices: one for locals and one for tourists.

• Bring Out Your Inner Mr Spock: This may sound surprising, but studies have shown that when you make a decision in your second language, you’re more likely to think logically and avoid basing your decision on emotion. In other words, you’ll become more like Star Trek’s Mr Spock

• Discover You Can Do It!: As I mentioned earlier, I’ve heard pretty much every excuse that people give for failing to learn a second language. Too old, not enough time, wrong genes. None of them hold water.

• So What are You Waiting For?: Everyone has their own unique reasons for wanting to learn another language. But while the reasons may be different, they can all be put into action in the same way: by committing to stop making excuses, and to start speaking the language you’ve always wanted to learn.

Try for 360 days
Money back guaranteed

Join the MML program now!

This does not imply an offering of securities.