Business Plan Development Workshop

• Specific Objectives for Managers: Good management requires setting specific objectives and then tracking and following up.

• Hire new people: This is another new obligation (a fixed cost) that increases your risk

• Deal with professionals: Share selected highlights or your plans with your attorneys and accountants, and, if this is relevant to you, consultants

• Develop new business alliances: Use your plan to set targets for new alliances, and selected portions of your plan to communicate with those alliances.

• Sell your business: Usually the business plan is a very important part of selling the business

• Create a new business: Use a plan to establish the right steps to starting a new business

• Back up a business loan application: Like investors, lenders want to see the plan and will expect the plan to cover the main points.

• Grow your existing business: Establish strategy and allocate resources according to strategic priority.

Why Should you do this Training?

This is included in MML Training, a complete suite of applications for moving forward rapidly.

Well you gain:

  • Control of your cash flow and budgeting
  • Instant income stream for your current needs and wants
  • Regular income stream for stability
  • Residual security income stream for years to come
  • Financial independence and financial freedom
  • Ability to assist family and friends
  • Esteem within yourself
  • Prestige among your peers
  • Profiting from the expansion of your own ideas and talents

Try for 360 days

Join the MML program now!

This does not imply an offering of securities.


MML Coaching provides top-quality development and coaching services. Most start-ups, small businesses and entrepreneurs suffer two major problems. They lack training or development resources and the depth of knowledge needed to focus on their businesses from a true "ownership" perspective. Both lead to lowered expectations, lack of business and personal growth and frequent owner burnout.

Business Plan Development Workshop

• Specific Objectives for Managers: Good management requires setting specific objectives and then tracking and following up.

• Hire new people: This is another new obligation (a fixed cost) that increases your risk

• Deal with professionals: Share selected highlights or your plans with your attorneys and accountants, and, if this is relevant to you, consultants

• Develop new business alliances: Use your plan to set targets for new alliances, and selected portions of your plan to communicate with those alliances.

• Sell your business: Usually the business plan is a very important part of selling the business

• Create a new business: Use a plan to establish the right steps to starting a new business

• Back up a business loan application: Like investors, lenders want to see the plan and will expect the plan to cover the main points.

• Grow your existing business: Establish strategy and allocate resources according to strategic priority.

Try for 360 days
Money back guaranteed

Join the MML program now!

This does not imply an offering of securities.