One-on-One Coaching

• You want to be much, much better: Just because most things are going well, doesn't mean you don't want to improve them and that includes yourself.

• You're going through a big transition: Change can be difficult, even when it's what you want. Anytime you go through a big transition such as starting a new business or career, getting divorced, moving to a new city, going back to school, etc.

• You're a high achiever: This is the type of client I prefer to work with. High achievers tend to be driven and good at success, but they don't always create the success they really want. If you're ever wondered.

• You want more meaning in your life: "Meaning" is what makes your heart sing. It generally comes from doing what matters most to you

• You're willing to invest in yourself: This is about so much more than money. Are you prepared to take the time, effort, risk and yes, money, in order to have the life or business of your dreams

• You're a coach: If there's one profession where you really do need a coach most, it's coaching, itself. Although coaching is still one of the fastest growing careers, success with coaching is definitely not a slam dunk

• You want to take better care of yourself: Most of us were taught to take pretty good care of ourselves. That's fine if you want an average life. But people who accomplish great things often need to upgrade their lives tremendously before that's even possible

• You want to upgrade the people in your life: I don'tknow about you, but I used to choose my friends according to who I had the most fun with. They weren't always the nicest or most evolved people. Eventually, I realized I wanted to upgrade my friendships

Why Should you do this Training?

This is included in MML Training, a complete suite of applications for moving forward rapidly.

Well you gain:

  • Control of your cash flow and budgeting
  • Instant income stream for your current needs and wants
  • Regular income stream for stability
  • Residual security income stream for years to come
  • Financial independence and financial freedom
  • Ability to assist family and friends
  • Esteem within yourself
  • Prestige among your peers
  • Profiting from the expansion of your own ideas and talents

Try for 360 days

Join the MML program now!

This does not imply an offering of securities.


MML Coaching provides top-quality development and coaching services. Most start-ups, small businesses and entrepreneurs suffer two major problems. They lack training or development resources and the depth of knowledge needed to focus on their businesses from a true "ownership" perspective. Both lead to lowered expectations, lack of business and personal growth and frequent owner burnout.

One-on-One Coaching

• You want to be much, much better: Just because most things are going well, doesn't mean you don't want to improve them and that includes yourself.

• You're going through a big transition: Change can be difficult, even when it's what you want. Anytime you go through a big transition such as starting a new business or career, getting divorced, moving to a new city, going back to school, etc.

• You're a high achiever: This is the type of client I prefer to work with. High achievers tend to be driven and good at success, but they don't always create the success they really want. If you're ever wondered.

• You want more meaning in your life: "Meaning" is what makes your heart sing. It generally comes from doing what matters most to you

• You're willing to invest in yourself: This is about so much more than money. Are you prepared to take the time, effort, risk and yes, money, in order to have the life or business of your dreams

• You're a coach: If there's one profession where you really do need a coach most, it's coaching, itself. Although coaching is still one of the fastest growing careers, success with coaching is definitely not a slam dunk

• You want to take better care of yourself: Most of us were taught to take pretty good care of ourselves. That's fine if you want an average life. But people who accomplish great things often need to upgrade their lives tremendously before that's even possible

• You want to upgrade the people in your life: I don'tknow about you, but I used to choose my friends according to who I had the most fun with. They weren't always the nicest or most evolved people. Eventually, I realized I wanted to upgrade my friendships

Try for 360 days
Money back guaranteed

Join the MML program now!

This does not imply an offering of securities.